Leadership workshop with a difference – SoapBox in action


Erich Ziegler, SYNCOM-Team


“Wouldn’t that be something, to use the METALOG© SoapBox here?” said one of our managers during our concept meeting. We were all ears! We had been puzzling for a while over how we – the SYNCOM team – were going to design the 2013 series of our leadership workshop. It was a very challenging and demanding task.
The goal was to run more than 50 workshops in one year alone. Our team had supported many of the groups for a number of years. In recent years, we had developed some pretty innovative ideas on how to work on the topics in a stimulating way while at the same time making sure that networking was not neglected.
As in every year, the focus was on addressing topics of current relevance. Furthermore, the survey we conducted in the previous year showed that activity and fun, along with relevance to their working lives, were of great importance to our learners. How were we to integrate these two requirements into the workshop?
Once we had tried out METALOG©’s SoapBox ourselves, the answer to this question became clear. We realized that we had a truly highly flexible tool at our disposal!


Activity and movement

It was the express wish of many earlier leadership workshop participants that we should not work only in a theoretical way or only sitting down. The concept absolutely needed to include elements of activity and movement.



As there would be slight changes to group composition from time to time, new participants also had to be regularly integrated. And what better way to achieve this than through a joint activity?


Bracket around the whole event.

METALOG©’s SoapBox is ideal for a multi-phase activity. On the afternoon of the first day, the teams built the two vehicles. This was followed by reflection on the process of innovation and the topic of leadership. On the morning of the second day, we held the race, which was run in three legs, and, on the morning of the third day, we reflected on the entire process and compared this with the groups’ earlier solutions.


Working on topics

During the “leadership round” at the beginning of the workshop, we compiled a number of current topics that were then used to develop the questions for the three stations, because the race is run in three legs. After each leg, solution-focused thinking was called for. Each opposing team collected ideas and answers, then continued to the next station.



Although both teams built their vehicles with the intention of achieving the fastest possible competitive time during the race, the “communicators” assigned to each group by the trainers led to a constant sharing of experience, which helped them speed up and improve their constructions. Within the groups, the strong focus on the task also created a flow effect in each individual participant, enabling solution-focused, hierarchy-free and highly tolerant communication.



When purpose and joy combine, fun is guaranteed! Seeing the link to their working lives through answering the questions at the stations, along with constructing the SoapBox together, helped the participants establish their sense of purpose. Being inventive and developing solutions gave the participants a sense of joy.

What the trainers learned: “The benefits of this are threefold: Firstly, there is the advantage for each individual participant in terms of team development and networking along with the creative atmosphere in which they can work on topics of relevance to their area. Secondly, the use of the SoapBox tool creates a relaxed atmosphere in the leadership workshop and brings unusual perspectives. And, finally, the participants see their company in a favorable light because it has enabled them to have such a “work-related adventure.”

If you want to have these benefits work for you, use the SoapBox!



1. Designate a communicator for external communication (questions, getting help, etc.)

2. The team chooses a name and a logo that is displayed on the t-shirts (make sure you work with an underlay!). They can also develop a slogan for their team.

3. The construction must include all parts, but no more than the parts provided. The vehicle is not to be painted or marked in any way.

4. The vehicle must be steerable.

5. There will be one driver. Power transmission will be through 1-2 hp (“human power”).

6. It must be possible for the vehicle to be driven at least 150 feet.

7. Acceptance testing is to be carried out by the trainer.

8. The construction time should not exceed 120 minutes.


Competitive criteria (each one third of the total assessment):

1. Speed (calculated on the basis of the 3 legs of the race)

2. Functionality (roadworthiness, steerability, stability)

3. Originality (team name, t-shirts, vehicle design)